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Vaccine Recommendations

Vaccine Recommendations
by Avon Therapeutic Center

  • Do not vaccinate child if he/she:
  • is having fever (even low-grade), or runny nose/
    diarrhea/constipation, or any other illness, or still recovering
    from an infection, or on antibiotics for other reasons. You
                may postpone vaccination on another day.
  • had any bad reaction or deterioration in health after previous
  • had any past history of immune system disorder, severe
    allergies, convulsions or neurological disorders, vaccine
  • Always have full information on the vaccine's side effects.
  • Ask the doctor on how to identify a vaccine reaction.
  • Know the vaccine manufacturer's name and lot number.
  • Report any side effect to the doctor, NVIC, and VAERS.
  • Always ask for single dose, mercury-free (no thimerosal)
  • Ask for separate vials of measles, mumps, and rubella, and give
    them separately, months apart.

    Recommended vaccine schedule:
    (By Stephanie Cave, M.D. - DAN! Practitioner and Vaccine Expert)
    Birth - Hepatitis B only if mom is Hepatitis B Positive;
    otherwise, no vaccine shot.
    4 months - Hib, IPV
    5 months - DTaP
    6 months - Hib, IPV
    7 months - DTaP
    8 months - Hib
    9 months - DTaP
    15 months - Measles
    17 months - Hib, IPV
    18 months - DTaP
    24 months - Prevnar (1 dose only)
    27 months - Rubella
    30 months - Mumps
    4 years - Varicella (if not immune already)
    4 - 5 years - Hepatitis B series
    4 -5 years - DTaP, IPV boosters
    4 -5 years - Test titers for MMR and do not give unless not
    immune. Immunize only for vaccines found to be negative.

  • Ask the doctor to check vaccine titers to check for immunity before
    giving boosters.
  • If you have to vaccinate, give the following:
    Vitamin A (cod liver oil) 1 tbsp for three days before and on the day
    of the shot.
    Vitamin C 100 mg twice daily for infants and 300mg twice daily for
    toddlers for three days before and on the day of the shot.

    NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center)
    421-E Church Street
    Vienna, VA 22180

    VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)
    P.O.Box 1100
    Rockville, MD 20849-1100
    24-hr toll free info line (800)822-7967
    Email: info@vaers.org
    Fax: (877)721-0366

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